Behind the Curtain: The Grand Consolidation of Hurrah Players and the Patron’s Plot Twist

 In Business, Design, Frontpage, mobile, powered, reliable, security, spacesaver, storage, system

raHey there, theater buffs and costume connoisseurs! Today, we’re peeling back the curtain to reveal the latest buzz surrounding the legendary Hurrah Players. Buckle up, because this isn’t your average backstage gossip – it’s a tale of strategic ventures, storage solutions, and a dash of theatrical flair!

The Grand Consolidation

Picture this: the Hurrah Players, a powerhouse of performance art, have been bustling between two separate buildings – the Old Norfolk Academy building and The Hugh R. Copeland Center. But hold onto your top hats, because things are about to get a whole lot more streamlined!

Hurrah Players Building in Norfolk

Recently, the Hurrah Players embarked on an epic journey to consolidate their operations. They acquired a swanky new building across the street from the Copeland Center, set to become the hot spot for their upcoming TV & Film Academy. Talk about expanding their horizons!

The Patron’s Plot Twist

Now, here’s where the plot thickens. A wise patron, with a knack for efficiency, whispered in the ear of the Hurrah Players’ leadership. “Why split your time between two buildings,” they mused, “when you could have all your operations under one roof?”

And just like that, a strategic venture was born! The Hurrah Players bid adieu to the Old Norfolk Academy building, passing the torch to another organization. In return, they secured a centralized hub for all their theatrical endeavors – our new building will be named the Academy Building because it includes both the Performing Arts Academy and the TV & Film Academy. The TV & Film Academy will be on the 3rd floor. The building is not complete yet. They expect a June completion and they will transition from the St. Paul’s building to the new building in July and August.

Hanging costumes for Hurrah Players

The Hurrah Players was looking for a space efficient manner to store our much-prized store of costumes that we accumulated over 40 years. Spacesavers provided the perfect solution. The mobile shelving units enabled us to minimize the amount of precious warehouse space to dedicate to costumes and maximize the volume of costumes that the space could accommodate. We were able to install multiple rows of 12 foot tall mobile shelving units in a small section of our set warehouse and they were able to fit all of our costumes with room to spare. The shelving units had adjustable shelves and were able to be adjusted to store tubs, shirts, pants, long dresses or oversized costumes. The solution was truly a dream come true for our costume designers.

Costume gowns of Hurrah Players

Spacesaver Storage Solutions Joins the Planning

Also, the consultant that helped us, Lura Bishton, was very knowledgeable about how to set up the shelving system to effectively meet our needs. From day one, she measured the existing hanging storage, counted all our tubs of costumes, and designed the shelving units to meet our needs.She recommended a particular size and brand of tote that maximized the storage capacity of the totes in the shelving system. Lura provided the layout of the shelves in a CAD format to our architect so that he could include it in our building plans and answered any questions that our architect had. She verified that the personnel lift that we planned to purchase had the proper turning radius to maneuver the space between the rows of shelving units. She thought through every detail of our installation and was a joy to work with. If you have significant storage needs and a limited amount of space to allocate to storage, then I would highly recommend the Spacesavers’ and their Mobile Shelving system.

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